National Nutrition week-08.09.2016-“Better Nutrition: Eat right with Delight”.
The Department of Home Science with Food Biotechnology celebrated the NUTRIFEST 2016 in commemoration with the National Nutrition week on September 8, 2016 with the theme “Better Nutrition: Eat right with Delight”. Various events like Nutri-Quest, cooking contest, art with colours and memory game and outdoor games were organized in collaboration with Bethshan Special School. More than 75 special children were participated. The competitions organized created awareness on the importance of health and nutrition. Nutri Prince and Nutri Princess was a special event organized for the special children. The children having normal Body Mass Index and haemoglobin were crowned as Nutri Prince and Nutri Princess. Dr.V.Ramanujam M.D, Professor, Head, Dept.of Psychiatry, Vellammal Medical College, Madurai was the guest of honour for the valedictory programme. He delivered the valedictory address and distributed the prizes for the winners of the competitions. He evoked a lot of enthusiasm among the participants. As a token of appreciation a bag was distributed as complement. The programme ended with grand success with active participation of the special children.
Nutritious Recipe Preparation by Bethshan School Girls
Nutri Parade by Bethshan School Children
Crowning of Nutri Prince
Glimpses of NUTRIFEST
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